Artificial intelligence has taken over the world, and the automobile industry is not left out. Probably, this seems to take a toll most on metrics on performance in cars. This is a whole new dimension with regard to the measurement, analysis, and development of vehicle performance in order to perform faster, safer, and more effectively than ever. In the article, ...

Just imagine that-screeching down the highway in that car, which may be more aware than you are of yourself while adjusting your seat, turning up the temperature, economizing on fuel, and warning you well in advance about impending dangers. Sounds like some sci-fi movie? Well, guess what? It isn’t a movie! Then came Artificial Intelligence into the arena of automobiles, ...

Probably, car maintenance is considered one of the big headaches nowadays. Times change happily. Forget about car breakdowns and then race to the mechanic right away. Now, thanks to machine learning, all this could be possible to predict even before it happens. Such car maintenance turned out to be not only more intelligent but indeed more effective and less expensive. ...

AI does lots to renovate the look of the automotive industry, largely improving the safety of cars. Indeed, every driver in modern cars probably uses AI without noticing. Lane-keeping assistance or automatic emergency braking is not a fantasy from some science fiction; they have just come right into the happenings of our everyday life. Let us go in detail to ...