Every time you think about genetics, the first thing that comes into your mind is a sort of instruction inscribed within your DNA, like on a blueprint, that is going to define who and what you are. How would you feel if somebody told you those instructions were not written in stone? That’s where epigenetics comes in. Epigenetics is the ...
One day, envision driving on the highway where the real road communicates with your car to get it through smoothly and safely to a destination. This is no scene from some science fiction movie; this is what smart roads and innovative leaps in infrastructure have transformed how vehicles operate. Let’s dive into how those futuristic roads are developed, how they ...
The new paradigm shift, personal medicine takes a storm in the world of health care. Just imagine being treated by the doctor with therapy pinpointed only to suit your particular genetic makeup; treatments can be that effective while minimizing potential side effects. Sounds like the script of some sci-fi movie? The future is now well and truly here to make ...
The automotive industry is rapidly transforming, with central integrations of technology into the way we drive. Advanced safety features are one of the many incredible advancements found in modern automobiles. These systems are intended to provide a comfortable and convenient driving experience while also ensuring safety. If you’ve bought or leased a car in the last few years, you may ...
From an idea over the last couple of years considered the stuff of science fiction, the autonomous vehicle has acquired flesh and blood to an imminent probability. Equipped with technologies such as artificial intelligence, sensors, and machine learning, these kinds of vehicles can change city transport as we know it. Travel in the cities around the world is foreseen to ...
The world has passed through marvelous innovations in agriculture science during the past decades. Among many advanced technologies adopted for agricultural betterment, one of the most revolutionary inventions is genetic engineering, and its product is well known as genetically modified organisms, abbreviated as GMO crops. These plants have been genetically altered to possess favorable traits like insect resistance and tolerance ...
Technology has taken over the automotive world in ways we could hardly have envisioned a few decades ago. But as our vehicles became more connected and the transactions more digital, data security and transaction integrity emerged as serious challenges that needed to be addressed. Blockchain, much talked about in the realm of cryptocurrency, has evolved as an effective tool to ...
It wasn’t all that long ago that electric car fever was running rampant. Millions are on the roadways today – with millions more just now coming onto the market in the next several years. And it’s a key part of what’s spurring all this indeed: the electrifying progress being made in EV batteries seemingly out of nowhere. In the over ...
Vehicle-to-Everything ranges from how one communicates with a vehicle to the living world, and V2X will irrecoverably revolutionize it- from improved road safety to smart cities enabled by it. V2X promises much connectivity, efficiency, and sustainability for tomorrow. This article goes deep into the future of V2X communications, explaining in great detail: a look at what exactly this technology is, ...
Living in a world of rapid technological changes, some technologies are going to change how we get around. This could be the innovation of **Augmented Reality (AR)**. Though often considered for gaming, shopping applications, or even social media filters, real power would come from altering practical day-to-day activities. Among many areas in which Augmented Reality is about to make noticeable ...