How many times have you taken your car to a mechanic and just wished something better could know and thereby stop the problem ahead of time? Imagine if your vehicle could tell you what’s wrong, or even better, warn you that something is about to go wrong. Well, it is not science fiction anymore. AI has slowly conquered every industry, ...
Just imagine driving along on your extended road trip on the highway with your favorite playlist melodies in, and then your car starts warning you of an irregular heartbeat. That is not science fiction; that is how next-generation in-car health monitoring systems are. All these are paradigmatic shifts in how we have conventionally thought about safe motoring; the vehicle is ...
Decolonization has been one of the major turning points in modern history. It marked the end of centuries of imperial domination and the birth of new independent nations across Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Just think of how only a handful of countries would have been running vast areas, not only politically but culturally, economically, and socially. And ...
The Civil Rights Movement, basically, formed one of the most unusual chapters in the annals of American History, wherein the common man came out to bring change. Just to put it into perspective, the 1950s and 1960s were a time when segregation ran deep throughout the United States schools to buses-there were rules over the ground as to who could ...
The Cold War, in a way, was practically the Great American Novel-scarcely the novel of espionage, nuclear confrontations, and shadow politics. All the same, this was no novel-this was real life. For almost half a century, it seemed, the world had stood at an abyss and peered into the gaze of evil staring back from the other side of the ...
Neuroscience is like plunging into the ocean of the human brain: vast, mysterious, full of surprises. Add to that biotechnology, and you have the perfect toolkit with which to explore how our brains work, why they sometimes don’t, and how we can potentially fix them. In this article, I unpack ways in which biotechnology, especially genetics, is helping us understand ...
The automotive industry is due for a change, and blockchain technology will be right at its epicenter. Whether an enthusiastic car owner, a wizard at supply chains, or frankly speaking, just somebody specifying what wonders tomorrow will bring, one stands to gain by understanding just how innovative blockchain technology could revolutionize automotive supply chains. But first things first: Whether you ...
Imagine a world where the waiting list for organ transplants is no longer a death sentence. Today, that vision is closer than ever thanks to breakthroughs in gene editing technology. But let’s unpack this journey in a simple, friendly way so that even if you’ve never thought about science beyond high school, you’ll come away understanding how life-changing these advancements ...
Have you ever entered a car and exorcised, “Wow. I am much more comfortable inside here compared to in my living room”? For certain, it can turn quite commonly used that one feels in this direction soon enough. Presently, car design-interiors are being done using more progressive technologies than ever because some comfort seems not sufficient. Gone are the days ...
For most of us, the commute back and forth to work or school has been one of those evils that is just necessary. Whether it has called for sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, fending off road rage, or attempting to multitask without causing an accident, driving to work or school has just never been fun. But now imagine instead, your car ...