Artificial intelligence is changing everyday medicine. One area in which AI particularly shines is pathology-that area of medicine studying diseases based on examinations of tissues, blood tests, and other laboratory results. With the shooting usage of AI into practice, one would also notice that laboratory medicine has to keep in step with development in order to be assured of quicker ...
The health industry today is deep in its technology revolution, and AI can surely change the face of many areas concerning aspects of how care is given. Among the many fields, AI applications find their place in clinical decision support systems, probably the most promising one in healthcare. These would constantly present a health professional with informed decisions on the ...
Now, AI gets into each and every powerful and major field in the world. One such power area is AI in biostatistics. Biostatistics is the science of accumulation of data and its analysis from biological and medical research carried out for the benefit of scientists and doctors when large volumes of complicated data have to be explained. The analysis of ...
Although these orphan diseases afflict millions of the world’s population, due to these ailments coming into view so rarely, they are mostly either underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Many such patients have to bear a lot and finally get an appropriate diagnosis after years which results in late treatment. Here at least partly comes in the difference brought in by AI: the ...
Artificial Intelligence in Health: AI is bringing newer dimensions into health and is not leaving behind gastroenterology. Gastroenterology has to deal with the study of disorders in such organs of the digestive system: stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and esophagus. Those associated organ pathologies include: mostly Crohn’s disease and cancers in the colon and rectum, as well as disorders affecting the ...
AI invaded some of the most important functions of human beings without making any exceptions, if at all, almost irruptively. Until recently, over the past decade, new approaches to the world’s cardinal health problems have enabled one to make it out distinctively that AI not only was in existence but visibly acted: enhanced disease surveillance, precise application of new treatments-so ...
The most complicated issues prevailing all over the world, involving millions, are addiction and substance abuse. Handling such a disorder, both psychologically and physiologically, is therefore a great challenge. AI has thus been gaining increased importance in surmounting this. Right from analysing data and predicting patterns to treatment personalisation, AI can really make all the difference in how one deals ...
It is also one of the highly developed systems within the body and has a major role in ensuring proper protection of the individual from various microorganisms. Different cells, along with organs incorporating tissues, generally work in conjunction and are generally mediated through recognition followed by destruction. Currently, one may well mark the pace at which things have changed in ...
It affects millions worldwide and touches many facets of a person’s quality of life. On the other hand, AI, in relation to audiology or that branch of medicine focused on hearing and balance, is in constant revolutionary change. Indeed, AI opens completely new perspectives for improving the health of hearing by means of advanced diagnostics and personalised treatments with better ...
Beginning from the development related to reproductive health and fertility, there is a lot of AI treatment developed over these years. AI in this field is modernising diagnosis and treatment relating to issues of fertility, offering new hope for such suffering individuals or couples experiencing difficulties in child conception. In this paper, AI will be considered as to how it ...