Every time the term Silk Road is mentioned, some kind of picture of caravans crossing endless deserts, teeming bazaars, and ancient cities heaped with spices, silks, and treasures crops up in your head. You would not be very wrong. It was more the crucible where peoples, ideas, and innovations forged the modern world more or less as we know it. ...
When I first heard about this series, Age of Empires, I was a teenager who tried to make sense of strategy games. It wasn’t another game; it was a whole different world in which I could conduct armies, build empires, and be deeply involved in historical conquests. You’ll understand exactly what I’m referring to once you try playing it. What ...
Imagine having to live in a world of shadows, and no matter how you squint, everything that was normal has vanished into a very dark place. Such is not a nightmare but a reality for those millions who are victims of blindness because of hereditary causes. What if the same science were able to do the opposite? That is where ...
Just imagine that-screeching down the highway in that car, which may be more aware than you are of yourself while adjusting your seat, turning up the temperature, economizing on fuel, and warning you well in advance about impending dangers. Sounds like some sci-fi movie? Well, guess what? It isn’t a movie! Then came Artificial Intelligence into the arena of automobiles, ...
Biotechnology is one of those exciting fields which promise to shape our futures. Indeed, from finding cures for diseases, improving food production, and probably increasing the life span of human beings, biotechnology holds so much promise. Where great power is concerned, a great responsibility is called for, and therein comes ethics. It is not a tug of war between the ...
Imagine a time when cars would “talk” to other cars, communicate with stoplights, and even alert a pedestrian carrying a smartphone. This sounds very much like a fantasy; however, it is what is referred to as Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication, a technology that has full capacity to revolutionize the way we view transportation. And in the lead? It’s 5G. A look ...
Imagine a time when terror gripped the hearts of men because there was war or famine, but because a court existed, feared to such a degree that its very name, even centuries later, sends cold chills down the spine. It was the time of the Spanish Inquisition that blighted period of human history when religion, persecution of the state, and ...
Imagine a world wherein disease could spread quicker than rumors and the streets you used to cheerfully walk in reek of decay. This was the reality faced by millions living in the 14th century as the Black Death swept across the continent, leaving devastation in its wake. This paper addresses this grim part of history, the causes and effects thereof, ...
The story of women’s suffrage is one of resiliency, courage, and determination. Imagine a world wherein females could not be a place where the voice of women was silenced and didn’t matter. That’s the world that existed a little while back. Take a look through some pieces of the history of suffrage for women, how it was challenged, its successes, ...
Hitherto a cherished dream of humankind, space exploration is no longer confined to just rockets and robots; now comes biotechnology, more particularly genetics, finding its place in this bright journey. What would that be if we envision life on Mars or one en route to other galaxies? How do we start reading our bodies against extreme environmental conditions? That’s where ...