Among the more valuable modern health practices, few are more highly valued yet poorly understood than genetic counseling. With the increasing availability of genetic testing for patients, interpreters in the form of a genetic counselor have never been so needed. With any effort made to make the topic piece by little piece more comprehensible to any person, that same person ...
Does your car ever tend to break down at the most inappropriate times? Probably on that day when you needed to go for that important meeting or on a long drive. If you have had to go through such an experience, you understand how annoying and inconveniencing it is. But imagine being able to predict in advance exactly when your ...
Biotechnology has disrupted many industries, and one of the most interesting areas recently is food more specifically, lab-grown meat or cultured meat, as the way forward towards a more sustainable, ethical, and efficient food system. It also discusses the role biotechnology has in the development of cultured meat, explaining the process in detail, highlighting a number of its potential benefits, ...
In the modern world of today, technology is there in every step of our lives; certainly, vehicles are not left outside. One of the most important modern developments in the sector of automotive technologies has come along with smart, intelligent sensors in vehicles. Such little beasts of gadgets simply redefine the experience called traveling on roads, that of safety and ...
Environmental pollution also plays a significant role because of all the challenges that are faced by ecosystems, human health, and the future of the planet. Certain situations, such as oil slicks and toxic waste, have sometimes appeared impossible to cope with. Yet, biotechnology in environmental cleanup has become a very strong partner in this battle, having microbes as the frontrunners. ...
Over the past decade, 3D printing has grown from an extremely niche hobbyist tool to a transformational industry technology. Among sectors feeling some of the most considerable influences is the automotive world, where 3D printing is remaking the way car parts and accessories are conceptualized and produced, and for that matter, personalized. Whether one is simply an enthusiast of cars ...
The in-car-entertainment system greets you by name, readjusts your seat and temperature to just the perfect setting, and switches on playing your favorite playlist. The kids in the backseat are enjoying a virtual reality game, and for a break, the car suggests a cozy diner, considering your taste. This is not science fiction; this is the future of in-car entertainment ...
RNA interference, sometimes called RNAi, is one of the most exciting and new machines of molecular biology that has been brought to the front line to develop new therapies against a wide range of diseases. This article underlines how RNAi works, its applications, and, importantly, discusses in plain terms the promise of revolutionizing medicine, trying to keep the essence of ...
Imagine a world where your car is not just A to B transport, where it’s integral to the energy ecosystem-smarter, more efficient, and greener. This is the world enabled by Vehicle-to-Grid, or V2G, technology. It’s an exciting innovation in that electric vehicles will give something back to the grid for a two-way exchange. In this article, we go deep into ...
Gene drives can be understood as a mechanism for population control in the context of disease eradication. Now, imagine that with the ability to eradicate diseases such as malaria or Dengue fever, there was only one thing: genetic manipulation of the carrying mosquitoes. This no doubt feels more than a little like the stuff of some sort of science fiction ...