The world is in rapid evolution with respect to ways of getting about. Electric cars ceased to be what would only become reality sometime later; they are already the now. However, there is still a problem: many of us are still worried about what will happen to auto charging stations in the future. The first time I took ownership of ...
The Age of Exploration, better known as the Age of Discovery, is one of the important ages in world history, roughly spanning from the 15th to the 17th century. It was the phase when bold explorers set forth into the unknown, stirred by curiosity, ambition, and the possibility of rich rewards. Their discoveries were to change the course of human ...
Medieval Europe brings to mind visions of castles, knights in shining armor, and stern-faced religious men. One can almost read from this mind’s-eye vision: shining knights upon their horses, proud stone strongholds, and busy village marketplaces. There is indeed so much more to this fascinating era. The point of this article is to look at three of those building blocks ...
The Roman Empire is one of those kaleidoscopic moments in human history. Filled with ambition, war, reform, and transformation, it would shape the Western world. Still, what gives this tale a certain kind of immediacy is the humanness lessons it imparts on the uses of power, the exercise of leadership, and societal balance that reverberate down to our times. Let’s ...
The term ‘biotechnology’ may evoke scenes of scientists working in laboratories on solutions considered the stuff of science fiction. Partly true, it is indeed very much here and making a difference in the world, particularly where rare diseases are concerned. Let’s delve deeper into how this can change lives and, possibly, include stories that amaze. What is a Rare Disease? ...
Food security is one of the main concerns of today’s world, as it faces a continuously growing population that has never been this rapid. Traditional approaches to agriculture have worked pretty well, but most of the time, these methods are just too slow to keep up with the pace posed by various challenges such as climate change, pests, and diseases. ...
Where is it? Augmented reality brings this rather plane world into an exciting, layered digital experience. Probably among the most promising places that AR stamps its presence, however, would be driver assistance systems. Imagine, for a moment, being behind the wheel, looking forward through your windshield-at navigation directions, road hazards, speed limits-on your windshield rather than at the GPS on ...
When we envision the future, images often include flying cars or robots doing everything. Well, we may not have flying cars yet, but at least autonomous vehicles, as they are better known among us and fast changing how we drive rather than how we don’t drive. Car insurance has, for a long time, been one of those fairly straightforward concepts: ...
Let me be the first to say this: I was unimpressed when I first started reading about green hydrogen. Another type of fuel? We have electric cars, hybrids, and biofuels, so what is new or special about hydrogen? And then I got to digging, and here’s what I realized: it wasn’t just another alternative. Because at its core, it could ...
Biotechnology is an amazing field; it merges biology with technology to solve many complicated problems, not only in health but also beyond. The most promising application can be viewed as related to disease diagnostics, mainly when genetics is applied for early detection. Biotechnology has opened a window, by analyzing our genetic blueprint, toward the identification of diseases much earlier than ...