Literally, everywhere—from automobile factories to assist surgical tools at work, conduct the physician in order to fulfill their tasks far more precisely than usual. Truly, these machines stand as real wonders of engineering and an ultimate marriage of intelligent control with mechanical precision. The design of the robotic arm is an interdisciplinary design, biased necessarily towards such key aspects as ...

The introduction of robots and artificial intelligence is rebranding the perception of employment in many different sectors. “Robotics on Job Markets” has polarised various people with anticipation over what the future of work will look like. Will the robots take our jobs, leaving humans unemployed en masse, or will they bring new opportunities and enhance human capabilities? In fact, the ...

Manufacturing and automation are worlds in continuous change. But probably the most exciting development to come along in recent years has got to be the rise of the collaborative robot, or cobot. They sure aren’t those giant caged robots of yesteryear. In fact, cobots work right with humans, not replace them. If that is the case, this article looks toward ...

Basically, endocrinology is the study of medicine concerned with the study of hormones and the glands producing these hormones. In simple words, hormones basically deal in regulations in metabolism, growth, and mood conditions among many more. Disorders in the hormones result in diabetes, thyroid diseases, and adrenal problems among many complications in health. They are often not easy to handle, ...

New life-saving drugs, vaccines, and therapies in development by biopharmaceutical industries find an increasingly significant place in the healthcare setting. In relation to the biopharmaceuticals, large-scale manufacturing steps and other developmental processes all comprise various forms of quality control. Indeed, ensuring homogeneity, efficiency, and safety makes the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals face huge challenges. However, some of these challenges can be ...

They involve infectious diseases colored in global health-from the appearance of HIV in the 1980s to COVID-19 in these recent years. Certainly, they have massively affected a lot of people and overwhelmed healthcare systems worldwide. Fueled by more advanced technologies, AI lies at the very heart of fighting infectious diseases. It ranges from outlining the capability of AI for outbreak ...

Among the major priorities in rehabilitation, speech therapy is imperative in cases of patients losing or rendering impassive their ability to communicate through stroke, traumatic brain injury, or neurological disorders and developmental delays. Recently, strong intervention of artificial intelligence has been felt in redesigning speech therapy and offering new prospects to the patients for regaining speech. AI is a new ...

Hematology is the science dealing with the treatment of a wide range of blood diseases, exclusive of their supporting tissues, and among them, several types of anemia, clotting disorders, and a great number of leukemias. Treatments involving such disorders take so many forms—from blood tests to a host of complex treatments. Recently, AI has started contributing a great deal in ...

Dermatopathology is the study of skin diseases, and most diseases are normally diagnosed by a microscopic examination of skin biopsies. One great concern in dermatopathology is skin cancer, which may be either melanoma or varieties of other forms. The earlier the diagnosis, the greater the promise for treatment and outcomes, as recorded by scholars. Wherever AI was, it certainly started ...

In the case of autoimmune diseases, the mechanism of immunity works quite inappropriately against one’s own body. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis are a few manifestations of autoimmune diseases presenting themselves as giants of health problems. They do indeed require quite complex management and follow-up incessantly. The prime approach would now involve artificial intelligence regarding treatment and management concerning ...