The deep sea may be the most mysterious and wonderful part of our world—a great, largely unexplored submarine kingdom beginning from approximately 200 meters, or 656 feet, below sea level to the extremely deep part where no sun ray ever manages to get through. Life, with remarkable adaptation, exists in huge and low temperatures under crushing pressure and total darkness ...

Gravity is usually thought of as one of the most basic kinds of forces that control the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies through space. In reality, the influence of gravity extends into space and time much more than from these bodies. It acts like an unseen architect, shaping both space and time, hence telling matter how to behave. It ...

It was, in so many respects, the most stormy of years during a period in which European history underwent the confrontation between England and France. Actually, it was all just one long and continuous conflict—from 1337 through 1453—but not all continuous war; rather, many kinds of battles and sieges happened continuously, joined by political intrigue that decided their fate. This ...

In the list of 21st-century daunting challenges stands the food security of the whole globe. With increasing human population and minimum nature-given resources, while deteriorating environmental impacts due to changes in climate have made access to food quite complicated for all living on Earth’s surface. For that matter, biotechnology is one of the strong tools of modern science; it thus ...

The introduction of robots in healthcare fully changed the medical approaches and manners of performing surgical interventions and giving care to patients. It was the integration of the latest technology with engineering innovations that finally gave way to more precise, effective, and efficient patient outcomes. Those areas that gained highly influential introductions to robotics include surgical robots and assistive devices. ...

From the simple AM/FM radio that started the automobile journey for entertainment in a fantastically grown car with time, the turning of this complicated system into a promise is at a different level with 5G. Seamless connectivity and real-time data exchange will ensure experiences hitherto unknown in regard to ease in entertainment. Here is how the change in 5G has ...

Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, has been very much the object of interest in human imagination for centuries. Mars also offers the most exciting case in our search for life outside Earth due to its reddish colour and features quite close to Earth’s. Besides that, further explorations of Mars are one monumental scientific voyage because it will carry ...

The Gold Rush, or rather said, that name which turned out to be the synonym of dreams of wealth and prosperity, was amongst the most transformational periods to have happened in the land of America. It started in the mid-19th century and lured hundreds of thousands of people to the western United States in search of fortune. While it promised ...

Climate change still is one of the most important topics to have occurred on Earth in the modern period. It constitutes one of the huge factors that severely affects marine biodiversity. The ocean, with a coverage area superior to 70% of the surface of Earth, is experiencing a threat unparalleled in the history of human beings: it is warming up, ...

The universe is something vast and mysterious, and of all these unbelievable facts of the universe, perhaps the most astounding one is that it keeps on expanding. Centuries of toil by scientists to unravel the mysteries of this cosmic phenomenon have made us understand today that the universe is not static; it stretches in all directions. It has been nothing ...